Schelluinsestraat 1
4203 NJ Gorinchem
Phone: +31(0)183 650 650
Turnover identification number NL001283996 B01
Exclusions of liability
ATTEMA B.V. does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, correct and complete, or that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time.
When we refer to Internet pages of third parties (links), we do not accept any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. By clicking on such a reference (link) you leave the information offer of ATTEMA B.V..
Different regulations may therefore apply to the offers of third parties, especially with regard to data protection. Furthermore, we exclude liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty in the case of services, in particular when downloading files made available on our Internet pages.
Copyright - Use of ATTEMA image, text and other data material
The German Copyright Act (UrhG) applies without restriction to documents and files (including in particular images, text, audio, video, drawings, 3D data and similar) which are available in any form via data networks.
In particular, the following applies: Individual digital or analogue reproductions, such as copies or printouts, may only be made for private and other personal use. Therefore, individual reproductions of a work for private use on any medium or media are permitted, provided that they are not used directly or indirectly for commercial purposes (§ 53 UrhG). The production and distribution of further reproductions is only permitted with the express permission of the author. The contents published on this website (texts, photographs, drawings, documents, films, 3D data, etc.) are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, processed, edited, modified, copied or distributed without the written permission of the copyright holder. Only the storage and use of the provided contents for private purposes is excluded.
For documents and files which we provide to you by post or electronically (e.g. by e-mail or download) on request, the following applies with regard to the rights of use and copyright:
1. you may not reproduce, edit, change, copy or distribute the material (including extracts or partial quantities) provided to you without our prior written consent. Only the use for the purpose requested and previously approved by us in writing (by post or electronically by e-mail) is permitted, with the exception of a possible revocation on our part at any time, even without stating reasons.
In the event of a revocation, you undertake to immediately return all documents and files (texts, photographs, drawings, documents, films, 3D data, etc.) provided and/or used, as well as reproductions, copies, backups, etc. made, or, in agreement with us, to demonstrably irretrievably destroy them and remove them from the media or context used.
2. all picture, text or other data material may only be used for own private use without our express prior written (postal or electronic by e-mail) consent. The use may not be used for direct or indirect commercial purposes (§ 53 UrhG).
3 With every use of our image, text or other data material you undertake to name the author (example: "Image: ATTEMA B.V.").
4. by using our image, text or other data material, you undertake to send us a proof of use without being asked, immediately and free of charge. This can be in electronic (e.g. PDF, link/URL, e-mail, download or similar) or postal form (specimen copy of printed work, data carrier or similar).
5. you are responsible for compliance with the copyright regulations yourself and may be held liable in the event of disregard or misuse. Should you have any questions regarding the use of our image, text or other data material, please contact us before the planned use, stating your full address and the desired purpose of use, in order to obtain our written approval (by post or electronically by e-mail).
Contact person website (webmaster)
Phone: +31(0)183 650 650
V12018 / 01.02.2018